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Giulio Ecchia
Associate Fellow
Giulio Ecchia is Associate Fellow at SAIS Europe
Professor of Economics, University of Bologna
Director, Master in International Management (MIEX), University of Bologna

Professor Ecchia holds a PhD in Economics, University of Oxford, as well as a PhD in Economics, Catholic University of Milan. He has been Dean of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Bologna, Forlì Campus (2006-2012). His current research interests include the economics of cooperative firms and social enterprises, corporate governance and stakeholder theory, and the economics of regulation. Ecchia is member of the executive board and of the scientific committee of ECONOMETICA (Italian University network on Business Ethics and CSR) and of the scientific committee of AICCON (Italian Association for the Promotion of Cooperative and Non-profit Culture). He is currently leading the University of Bologna team for the EU funded projects: COORDINATE (COhort cOmmunity Research and Development Infrastructure Network for Access Throughout Europe), Horizon 2020 (2021-2025); SEED (Social Innovation Ecosystem Development), programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI), DG Employment (2021-2023); GUIDEPREP (Growing Up in Digital Europe Preparation Phase), Horizon Europe (2022-2026). He is author of numerous papers published in professional journals.

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