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Rob Geist Pinfold
Adjunct Professor
Rob Geist Pinfold is Adjunct Professor at SAIS Europe

Rob Geist Pinfold is an Adjunct Professor at SAIS Europe, where he teaches on the Arab-Israel conflict. He is also a Lecturer in Peace and Security at Durham University, a Research Fellow at the Peace Research Center Prague, and a Senior Fellow at Charles University's Herzl Center for Israel Studies. Rob holds a PhD in War Studies from King’s College London.

Rob is a scholar of international security whose research intersects the study of strategy and territorial conflict. Regionally, he focuses on wars and warfare in the Middle East, in particular the Arab-Israel conflict and Israel’s foreign and security policies. His existing work engages with two key themes: (i) military occupation and exit dilemmas and (ii) grand strategy. His work has been published in academic journals, such as the Journal of Global Security Studies, International Studies Perspectives, the Journal of Strategic Studies, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, and Mediterranean Politics. His full-length book manuscript, Understanding Territorial Withdrawal: Israeli Occupations and Exits, was published by Oxford University Press in 2023. Alongside his academic outputs, he has given regular commentary to France 24, al Jazeera, and the BBC.
Selected Publications
  • Arab-Israeli Conflict

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