“Small Nations”, Europe's Great Enemy: Geopolitics of European Unity and the Problem of Self-determination, a 100 Years on
hosted by Professor
Mark Gilbert
Peo Hansen
Professor, Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society, Linköpings Universitet, Sweden
Peo Hansen is Professor of Political Science at the Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO), Linköping University. He is also Simone Veil Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies in Florence. Hansen's research examines both the historical and contemporary trajectory of European integration. His books include
A Modern Migration Theory: an Alternative Economic Approach to Failed EU Policy (Agenda Publishing, 2021); and
Eurafrica: the Untold History of European Integration and Colonialism (co-authored with S. Jonsson, Bloomsbury, 2014), which was published in French in 2022:
Eurafrique: Aux origins colonials de l'Union européenne (La Découverte).