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Next History Events
BOOK PRESENTATION: Italy Reborn: From Fascism to Democracy
Oct 3
Mark Gilbert
C. Grove Haines Professor and Professor of History and International Studies at SAIS Europe

Past History Events
Stati Uniti alla Soglia delle Elezioni Presidenziali
Jul 5, 2024
Anthony Luzzatto Gardner
Ex Ambasciatore degli Stati Uniti presso l'Unione Europea
Journal of Modern Italian Studies Special Issue - What is Left of the Italian Left?
Apr 24, 2024
John A. Davis
Editor, Journal of Modern Italian Studies; Emiliana Pasca Noether Professor of Modern Italian History, Emeritus, University of Connecticut
From Embrace to Disgrace: Past and Future of EU-PRC Relations
Nov 30, 2023
Romano Prodi
Keynote: Former President of the European Commission and Former Prime Minister of Italy
MASTER CLASS: The Israel-Hamas War: Background, Development, Impact
Oct 24, 2023
Raffaella A. Del Sarto
Associate Professor of Middle East Studies, Johns Hopkins University, SAIS Europe

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